How the DNC Can Win Back Dems and Independents Who Switched to Trump
You’ll first need a Mea Culpa on steroids followed by a Humble Pie chaser.
Here is the challenge that the DNC must overcome if they are to win back people who not only switched from their party, but who have fixated and so deeply imprinted into their psyches President Trump, that they no longer listen to you, or even to reason.
When independents and Democrats were feeling so unheard, unresponded to, frustrated, powerless, angry and scared, they fixated on Donald Trump when he proclaimed in no uncertain terms that he alone got where they were coming from and he alone could fix it.
After people fixated on and imprinted Donald Trump as savior into their psyches, they felt such relief that they will resist anything that threatens to cause them to have to go back to their prior awful feelings that made them switch.
Such a fixation is very difficult to break, much less shake. You’re deluding yourself if you think rational arguments will do the trick.
There is however a way that might work.
What the DNC or whoever becomes the frontrunner for that party in the 2020 election needs to say to those who switched is the following:
“I and we the Democratic Party need your help. And you can do that by just hearing us out and answering the following two questions:
First, what did we as a Party fail to understand, fail to address and fail to correct that if we had, you would not have switched over to President Trump? In other words, how did we blow it?
Second, what is it that President Trump understood, addressed and fixed that we failed to? We’re asking you now, because we were too self-possessed, oblivious and non-responsive to what you have been screaming out to us about for years. We get it and we are seeing and admitting that we failed you. We want to make things right and because of that, we are highly motivated and committed to not only correcting what we failed to do, but to improving on what President Trump promised you if in fact, you believe that he hasn’t fulfilled his promises to you.
If you give us another chance, we are also committing to you that we will not again become deaf, dumb and oblivious to what you’re asking from us. In fact, one of our methods to making sure that we don’t ignore or abandon you again is going forward to formally and proactively schedule a time, every two months to ask you if we are on track. And if we aren’t we will transparently make a course correction.”
But here’s the catch if you are the DNC or its presumptive nominee for 2020.
If you succeed in causing Independents and Democrats to give you another chance and offer up what’s on their mind, you are telling them that they can trust and have confidence in you.
And if after doing that, you fail to do anything and instead return to gridlock, finger pointing and excuse making, they deserve to not only switch from you again, but to never return… ever.
A second chance is a terrible thing to blow!