Calling For a Two Week “Cease Fire” between President Trump and the House of Representatives
Whether you agree or not, President Trump is our president and Commander-in-Chief, until such time as he isn’t.
And it’s getting confusing and dizzying how much he is provoking and how much he is reacting to being provoked.
Whichever is the case, it’s difficult to run or govern an institution in an atmosphere so rampant with reactivity. The more the liberal press hits him, the more he reacts and, okay, overreacts in return.
The net effect is not just partisan gridlock, but partisan vitriol that is beyond anything we have witnessed in many years and counter to the government doing what it needs to do to serve the American public.
What if the DNC and liberal press were to stop jumping on him for two weeks with the following proposal:
Dear President Trump,
You are our Commander in Chief and we recognize that the frequent baiting and escalation between us is counter-productive and distracts you from performing the duties and fulfilling the responsibilities of your office.
With that in mind, we, the DNC and liberal press have agreed to lay off from criticizing you for two weeks. In return what we would request from you is to articulate the following;
- Your vision for America with regard to:
a. Economy
b. Healthcare
c. Foreign policy and foreign relationships with allies and adversaries
d. National security including cybersecurity and beyond
e. Crime and increasing violence
f. Environment
g. Veterans
2. Why and how from your point of view those particular visions will benefit the future of America and the majority of Americans
3. A general plan — you needn’t be too specific at this point — for realizing each of those visions, i.e. By the year 2024 (if you were to be re-elected) we will have achieved or be on the path to achieving _____.
4. A proactive first action step to begin realizing each of those visions and why that particular step
Be advised that this is a cease fire offer from us and not a permanent “cease and desist” offer which might be more to your liking, but which we cannot offer you at this time. It’s a time out to give both you and us a chance to calm down, come to our non-reactive senses and become jointly more reflective and less reactive.
And who knows? If you could respond to the above and respond proactively as opposed to reactively (which we admit we are also doing), perhaps we might consider desisting instead of impeachment.
We hope that in giving both of us some breathing and psychological space, free from our latest interactions which provoke both you and us, that you will be able to focus on responding to the above with answers that: a. make sense in that they are in service of the America and most Americans; b. feel as if they might work; c. are doable by and with the people who will be tasked with doing them.
If hopefully you are able to do this, we look forward to taking a more cooperative and collaborative approach with you instead of the combative one that has developed between us.
We hope you will see this as a conciliatory gesture on our behalf and hope you will respond favorably.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, CNN, msNBC, NY Times, Washington Post
Sound crazy?
What is there to lose by doing this?